Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA Manual translate

Halo from Pekanbaru untuk seluruh dunia. Cak saya presentasikan tutorial berikut dengan bahasa inggris ya, sekalian belajar. Kalo dari judul ada kata translatenya kan?, lagi pula untuk website Indonesia punya jarang juga yang aware dengan hal-hal kecil seperti cookie notice bar yang bahasanya beda dengan bahasa websitenya, atau bisa jadi website orang Indonesia nggak terlalu peduli dengan cookie notice sendiri, gimana menurut anda? kasih pendapat anda di kolom komentar ya, 🙂

How to translate cookie notice & compliance for GDPR / CCPA manually without WPML or Polylang. This is the global keyword, 😀

Plugin Name: Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA


Basically this plugin fully supported translation with WPML and Polylang plugin, but sometimes we don’t want to use WPML or Polylang for small WordPress website like a Landing page with some reasons (whatever). But we had two or more pages multi-language content should available on the website.

I tried translate texts and buttons with standard WordPress get-text and pomo files, but with no luck.

Then I got this code after I checking the plugin files one by one, and here we go:

This code tested with latest WordPress version and the latest Cookie Notice plugin. Please notice me on the comment, if you find error and this code does not work properly. Thank you and have a nice day.

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